Self-Improvement (5 mins)



What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • The meaning of self-acceptance and uniqueness
  • How to map things out
  • Ways to look for inspiration
  • Understanding the value of feedback and how to get specific feedback

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  1. Self-Acceptance

According to Lorrie Shepard, Self –acceptance is about being happy and completely satisfied with your own strengths and weaknesses. There are things you can that others cannot, and there are things others can do that you cannot.  It’s about accepting and appreciating the truth that each of us is unique.

The whole point of Self-Acceptance –  is accepting that YOU ARE UNIQUE.

  1. Assessment

This is where we map things out by answering 3 simple questions:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where do I want to go? / What do I want to accomplish?
  3. How do I get from point A to B?

Let’s say you’re given a project due in three days. The first step is (1) identifying where you are now with this project. You may have some resources already available at hand but haven’t completely started yet.  You know for a fact (2) that you need it to finish it in three days; so you know (3) strategize how you would meet this deadline. This could mean fixing your schedule to free up time for the project or seeking advice or help from someone else.

  1. Exposure

This is where the work starts. In the context of self-improvement, this could mean looking for inspiration to spark that creativity in you.

Last month, we went to a seminar given by this company called I AM + LIMITLESS that coaches people in self-improvement. And we remember meeting a lot of people during the workshop. These were managers, CEOs, Trainers of big companies that were already experts in their fields yet were all there as students to learn. They were all looking for something that would help spark the next grand idea.

You can also get inspiration from books, conversations, travelling, etc. Inspiration can be found everywhere, so go put yourself out there.

It all starts with what you decide to feed your mind.

  1. Seek Feedback

Feedback is very important because it helps you see and understand things from another person’s perspective.

Les Brown, one of our favourite motivational speakers once said that “It’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame.”

When seeking feedback remember to:

  •  Be receptive, not defensive. – You have to look at feedback as constructive and not personal.
  • Ask specific questions to get specific feedback – The more general the questions, the broader the feedback. Ask them to elaborate on a certain comment and ask follow up questions.

5. Execution

After gathering feedback and incorporating them into your routine, you now know what to do next to move in the direction.

Remember to take things one step at a time and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Enjoy the process of self-discovery and growth.


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